Ibn Qayyim on Riba and more expensive Riba: Which should we choose?
Let's hear the voice of ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on the ruses used today in Islamic finance (be it named `ina, murabaha, tawarruq, or anything else):
Source: Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziya, I`lam Al-Muwaqqi`in `an Rabb Al-`Alamin, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, 1996, vol.3, p. 92.
And the legal abitrageurs will still come around quoting "God permitted trade and forbade usury" (deceptively, twisting the meaning) to justify their trade!!
فمن المستحيل على شريعة أحكم الحاكمين أن يحرم ما فيه مفسدة و يلعن فاعله و يؤذنه بحرب منه و رسوله و يوعده أشد الوعيد ثم يبيح التحيل على حصول ذلك بعينه سواء مع قيام تلك المفسدة و زيادتها بتعب الاحتيال في معصية و مخادعة الله و رسوله. هذا لا يأتي به الشرع؛ فإن الربا على الأرض أسهل و أقل مفسدة من الربا بسلم طويل صعب التراقي يترابى المترابيان على رأسه
فيالله العجب. أي مفسدة من مفاسد الربا زالت بهذا الاحتيال و الخداع؟
It is impossible for the Law of the Wisest of the wise [God] that He would forbid a harmful dealing [riba, or usury], curse its perpetrators and warn them of a war from God and his Messenger, and then to allow a ruse to result in the same effect with the same harm and added transaction costs in constructing the ruse to deceive God and his Messenger. This cannot be in accordance with the law, because riba on the ground is more facile and less harmful than riba with a tall ladder atop of which the two parties conduct the riba…
I wonder, which of the harmful effects of riba was removed by this deception and lies?"
Source: Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziya, I`lam Al-Muwaqqi`in `an Rabb Al-`Alamin, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, 1996, vol.3, p. 92.
And the legal abitrageurs will still come around quoting "God permitted trade and forbade usury" (deceptively, twisting the meaning) to justify their trade!!